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COVID-19 Update:

To ensure we are prioritizing your spiritual and physical health, all church activities, gatherings, auxiliary ministries are postponed until further notice.  We will continue streaming our worship services, to include Sunday Morning Worship and Wednesday Night Bible Study, online.  You can join us on Sundays at 10:00am via Facebook live - or Youtube Live:



***Frequently Asked Questions***

Are we still having church on Sunday?

Pastor Mitchell is asking all members and friends of Tabitha to join us ONLINE ONLY at 10:00am for morning worship.  Only staff and selected ministries will be allowed in the building, so please plan to join us via our live stream:


How can I watch the worship experience if I don’t have a Facebook account?

A copy of our live streams are available via our YouTube page.  A media/video clip will be uploaded every Wednesday.  Visit and search for Tabitha Baptist Church -- you can also use the YouTube app.


Will compact discs (CDs) be available?

Our goal is to connect as many as many people as we can to our worship experiences, so yes, CDs will be available free of charge.  To order a CD, please contact our church office at (405) 427-9718 or our Media Team at


How do I give since we are not meeting for services?

You can text to give, give online, or give in-person - see below.

  • Text “Give” to (405) 444-7881 & follow the instructions

  • Visit and click “Give Online”

    • Individuals can give via PayPal or our EasyTithe giving platform – both platforms are simple and secure

  • Bring your offering to the church office during our normal business hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 3:00pm.


For more information regarding giving, please click here.


What additional measures have been taken to sanitize the building?

In addition to our normal cleaning routine, all public and private spaces are being disinfected.  Our janitorial staff will be constantly sanitizing doors, handles, and windows at each entrance, all offices, sanctuary, and common areas.  These measures will remain in place to ensure a safe and healthy environment.


What about other church activities?

There will not be any onsite mass meetings, bible studies or events at Tabitha

Baptist Church until further notice.   Please plan to take advantage of all our virtual opportunities.

© 2025 by Tabitha Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved

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